IQ trainer is based on a neurophysiologic mechanism that is called back propagation (The term is an abbreviation for "backwards propagation of errors"). This method is well-known and is widely used in biophysics, psychology and even in artificial neural network modeling. Since this is a highly specialized and complex science, we cannot offer a complete description here. If you#re interested in doing some research on the internet, use the search engine Google for investigating terms like "backpropagation definition", "backpropagation and biological neural networks", "backpropagation and connectionist systems", etc. However, it is not necessary for you to fully comprehend the science of back propagation to benefit from the IQ Trainer. You have no need to know anything about this algorithm to benefit from the IQ Trainer. The mechanism to stimulate back propagation and wake up your brain#s neural networks has been built into the software. All you have to do to increase your IQ up to 40% is to begin training today! To start training simply press the 'Start' button at the bottom of window. Once the training starts the ticker box will roll out the text you need to read. If you can't recognize a word, press the 'Pause' button that appears above the 'Start/Stop' button when the training is active. If you can't recognize the word in about 30-60 seconds simply continue training. Over time, whether you are able to recognize any of the words or only some in your training, your mind will spontaneously learn how to decode them. The little progress bar at the bottom-right of window shows your training status. After 5 minutes, or a higher setting, the training will automatically stop. You can adjust the duration of your training depending on your needs. That's it! All you need to do is to train twice a day!